Hunters & Collectors (M. Suddain)

27 January 2021

Hunters & Collectors

John Tamberlain is The Tomahawk, the universe’s most feared food critic – though he himself prefers the term ‘forensic gastronomer’. He’s on a quest, in search of the much-storied Hotel Grand Skies, a secretive and exclusive haven where the rich and famous retreat to bask in perfect seclusion. A place where the waiters know their fish knife from their butter knife, their carotid from their subclavian artery, and are trained to enforce the house rules with brutal efficiency.

Blurring the lines between detective story, horror and sci-fi, Hunters & Collectors is a mesmeric trip into the singular imagination of M. Suddain – a freewheeling talent whose poise, invention and sensational sentences have already earned him comparisons to Vonnegut, Pynchon and Douglas Adams.

Average Rating:

Sean Aaron (30 January 2021 02:12)

Funny, gruesome and absurdist adventure to be found within these pages. Don’t let length put you off, it’s a fast, enjoyable read!

Sinclair Manson (28 January 2021 21:39)

This was an a delight to read. It's assortment of more or less amoral characters are described with glee and no lack of love. I didn't care that much about where it was all going, I just relished every bloody page of derangement and havoc.

Graham MacDonald (28 January 2021 13:50)

Swithered between 4 and 5 stars for this... Really entertaining from start to finish it's a mix of sci fi and horror all encompassed in biting satire of today's modern celebrity / social media culture. I laughed out load a lot reading this and it's a measure of the author that in the middle of a really gruesome description of multiple murders he can suddenly make you laugh. Early on the chapter when the protagonists first arrive at the hotel is one of the most genuinely creepy and unsettling things I've ever read and it sets the tone for the chaos that follows. Great characters and a central relationship between the Tomahawk and his bodyguard, Gladys which is written incredibly skillfully and manages to feel real and at time be incredibly moving.