Recent Activity

Our members regularly comment and rate the books we have been discussing, below is some of the most recent activity on the site..

Last week: Sinclair rated Babel

Last month: Graham rated Lords of Uncreation

Last month: Sinclair rated Lords of Uncreation

May 2024: Sinclair rated In Ascension

May 2024: Sinclair rated Owlish

Apr 2024: Graham rated Owlish

Apr 2024: Graham rated In Ascension

Apr 2024: Sean rated Owlish

Mar 2024: Sinclair rated The Starless Sea

Mar 2024: Sinclair rated The Society of Time

Mar 2024: Graham rated The Starless Sea

Feb 2024: Ross commented on The Society of Time (see comment...)

Feb 2024: Ross rated The Society of Time

Feb 2024: Ross commented on The Starless Sea (see comment...)

Feb 2024: Ross rated The Starless Sea

Feb 2024: Graham rated The Society of Time

Feb 2024: Sean rated The Society of Time

Feb 2024: Sean rated The Starless Sea

Feb 2024: Sean rated Conan - Blood of the Serpent

Jan 2024: Ross commented on Conan - Blood of the Serpent (see comment...)